eid ki namaz ka tarika eid ki namaz ka tarika video aurton ki eid ki namaz ka tarika eid ki namaz ki niyat eid ul fitr namaz woman eid ki namaz aurton ke liye eid ki namaz ki rakat tahajjud ki namaz ka tarika
I am Muslim .I'm proud to be a Muslim. Let's go to Strart the to Day Eid-ul-fitr topic . It can be said about prayer as you can pray.
1 And what's the procedure?
What is the way to pray?
What is Eid Al Fitr day?
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To sub se phle ap ko Neeyat Karne Ho gi is trha ka neeyt ki main ne do rekat namaz eid-ul-fitr ki (6) tkbero ka sat allha thala ky liya mqtdy atna our kahy pechen is imam key mo mera traf kaba shareef ky <allho akbar> sna phari our pher kano tak hat outhay our (1)<allho akbar>kah kar hat chor de pher kano tak hat outha our (2) <allho akbar> kah kar hat chor de pher kano tak hat outha our (3)<allho akbar> ab ki bar hat bhand ly bad mein imam do surtha phare ga ap sjda se farag how kar <alhmdu lelha our kohi ek sorat imam pahre ga > is ki bad ap ne <<<3 bar kano tak hat outhan he jis terha ap ne pahle rekat mein kiya is key bad ap ne 4 bar bena hat chodi raco cheli jana hain our baki sub juse em namz mein hum pherte ha pahr kar slam pheer de our is ki bad imam do gotbe addha kari ga ap soun kar due mange apni liya or doniya kay tmam musal mano ka liya or shath hi hmari leya be mujhe omeed ha app ko sumaj mein aey geya go ha. Thanks for your respect.
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