Hello Dear In This Post You Learn How to use your computer browser as android browser you think it this possible i say this is possib...
Hello Dear In This Post You Learn How to use your computer browser as android browser you think it this possible i say this is possible to use computer browser without mobile phone.i have search on the internet how to use computer browser as mobile and how i do download apk android file without mobile phone many website use a security not download apk file without mobile phone that's why i use a one chrome extension to access android apk file and download apk file using mobile browser emulator in your pc browser.
Chrome extension
With this extension for Google Chrome web developers can test mobile and in particular responsive web pages on their desktop. Just select one of the most common mobile screen resolutions with a single mouse click and the page of the active tab will open in a separate window.
Test mobile and responsive web pages on your desktop
Select the most common mobile screen resolutions with a single mouse click. The page of the active tab will open in a separate window.This extension is Very Useful by me and other i Downloaded a file from this site www.getjar.com and the massage will appear Use your mobile and download this APK file watch this Image
its mean you do not download apk file with your pc browser without mobile browser emulator google extensions so place download it fast and you need to google browser download and access your file in it.
How to download and Setup it.
Download File For Computer
1.Google Chrome Browser
2.and then go to Chrome https://chrome.google.com/webstore/category/extensions?hl=en and search in it mobile browser emulator
3.download it and then the auto install the extension after installed the extension one of the icon appear in google browser in right side of the the uper corner .just clike the manage extension
4. clike to allow the app use it and enjoy.
if you find had watch video of How to Use PC Browser as Android & download any apk WithOut Mobile
In coming
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